Tips for reaching Demigod in SK?
Hey there! I've been playing SK pretty casually here and there for years, but I've never made it past the "wizard" difficulty. I've recently started playing SK much more and I'd love to understand more of the game.
So, I'm reaching out to all you ancient forumers that make it to demi' np: How do you play at the higher difficulties? Any tricks or strats I could use and abuse to make things more manageable? Could someone please explain what "weaken by 10%" means???
Thanks in advance!
Zed- :)>-
So, I'm reaching out to all you ancient forumers that make it to demi' np: How do you play at the higher difficulties? Any tricks or strats I could use and abuse to make things more manageable? Could someone please explain what "weaken by 10%" means???
Thanks in advance!
Zed- :)>-
Oh, and weaken by 10%. That's on the ether charge for the magic missile final perk, right? It's a stacking ability, (up to 50%,) available on the magic missile after level 25, that reduces the maximum health of all enemies it touches.
10% weaken was referring to the "turn undead" skill, but I assume the same thing is happening there as well.
Sorry for the late response! I've been uber busy as of late and didn't even think to check the forums (would be cool if we could install an app and get notifications). :)>-