Poison Resist 100%

Trying to work out full poison resist in keep.

I have 3lv in Poison Resist, so that is 30%
Stack it with a 75% poison resist staff, and any poison immediately takes out all my health.

I then use 2x +2 skill ring, raising Poison Resist to lv7 and 50%.
Stack with the 75% poison resist staff... same result.

It is only when I pair the 75% staff with a 30% ring do I become fully immune to poison.

So the questions is... is this right?  If so, anyone think that is fair?
As basically it mean the poison resist skill is meaningless to have.


  • Well, having a poison immunity (100% resist) will make certain monster completely useless (especially poison mage) so having a cap of 75% is fine. What i am having concern with this is not the how much resist u can have but how it works. It should work in a way like deflect in solomon dark: have a chance to nullify damage per tick. This way, even the low level poison resist should be more useful than a maxed out version of current poison resist.
  • In my opinion investing points and equipment to make yourself immune should be an option cause only poison mage is affected and completely nullified everything else still hits and or has damage with the poison so that they are still relevant. Since you don’t really face anything that’s all poison besides that mage it doesn’t really seem unfair. But that’s my opinion.
  • The amount of damage poison do at higher level, even if the cap is at 95%, it would still be useless.
    It basically takes one second to bring your health down to 1.
    That mean 90% damage resist is useless, and the only lifeline is magic shield.

    At the moment, it seems if you have item
    That add up to 100% poison resist, you will be immune.
    But this make the poison resist skill useless as you will either accept you fight no health or have 100% worth of poison resist in gears.

    I notice this on both SK and Boneyard.
  • I think the debate there is not about if it is allow or not, but more of the mechanics.
    Because we already know that 100% is allowed.
    When I put on a 75% resist staff with a 30% resist ring, I am 100% immune.

    What I don't understand is how come with a 75% resist staff and 30% poison resist skill (or even 50%), I am still not immune.
    Somewhere along the line, it seems wrong.

    My guess is that Poison resist of item and skill are calculated separately.
    100 - 30% = 70.  70 - 70% = 21.

    What that mean is if you have 100% resist by 30% skill and 70% item, you will only have 79% poison resist.
    Interestingly, if you have 20% skill and 80% ring, you will have 84% poison resist, even though you add up to 100% total resist in either configuration.


  • edited May 2018
    Well poison still does a huge role on those poison monsters(putrid archer, putrid zombie, Bone Daddy, and possibly rodents) and just getting a hit from any poison attack will reduce your health to 1 regardless of your poison resist(unless 100% is possible). 

    yes, I think you are right on that poison resist is calculated separately. 

    Back to the original question of whether this is fair or not, I personally think Poison resist skill needs a rework. The idea I had to make this poison resist skill useful without making it too powerful(by making it easier to make player immune to all poison)  is make poison work like deflect in Solomon Dark. Though it shouldn't, deflect can somehow block poison damage. During one of my test game with melee mage challenge, I found out having a deflect skill( which I adjusted it to have like 40% chance to deflect) significantly lowered the poison damage that I received. From that moment, I realized that making poison resist skill to act like deflect would make the poison resist skill to be useful without breaking it. If you want to see how it works, watch the video that I put below around 28:00 -ish.

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