Thoughts on Non-balance stuff of Solomon Game

Here are some suggestions that might be helpful in making Solomon game better

1. Progression in BGM
In Legend of Zelda: Link between Worlds, the theme of Lorule Castle, the best BGM in Link between Worlds in my opinion, starts out with few instrument. As Link defeats each mini-boss, begins to add instruments and build and build up into an overwhelmingly exciting music that cause players to feel that they are close to defeat the final boss(can't say who it is cuz its spoiler). This sort of music with progression is commonly used on games to make players to feel that they are progressing through the level or dungeon. Considering most of the setting in Solomon's Keep is a just dark grey colored rooms, having a progressing BGM would definitely help players to feel that they are actually climbing the tower and getting closer to Solomon Dark. Also, because it is basically using one music to make multiple variations of it, progressive music can be much easier to make for composers compared to making several different musics.

2. More Options
In any game, having more options in the option menu generally never hurts. When I checked Solomon Dark's options menu, I felt that there were some options that should have been in the option menu like: mouse sensitivity, color blind mode, brightness, HUD size, and subtitle. I understand that Solomon Dark is not complete and will never be but I just want to make sure you know that these options should also be there in SKUME.

3. Slightly less content on release and add on through update
Basically, of all the work done, only release about 80% of them and use 20% as updates. This is a very simple psychological trick that make people to say "one of the best part of Solomon's Keep is a constant update". Good items to reserve(without counting 2 dlc classes and bard) are Boulder magic, Necromancer, one or two minor bosses, quests, and boneyard mode. However, if you are going to do this, you must not reserve too much or it will make people to complain that the game has too little contents. 

4. Even more achievements (45 or more)
  Achievements are one of the "hooks" that pulls player in. I know you are aware of necessity of more achievements but based on what I have seen in all three games, it is likely that Solomon's Keep might still have unsatisfactory number of achievement. Not only achievement makes people to feel the sense of progression, but also it is actually adding more contents without adding more contents. For example, if you make an achievement that makes you to do secondary only build, swordmaster mage build, heavy armor rouge build or etc. it will make people to play same class multiple times and still feel that each run is different from another. 


  • edited February 2018
    I had a similar thought on the background music as well but in this version the music adjusts to the difficulty and number of foes spawning/approaching. For example it could adventurous music for the light around of mobs on the screen which would change to an ominous tone as your health drops and your on the verge of imminent death and you summon an apocalyptic comet which in turn changes the music all together to one of destructive victory as it drops. Once the dust settles the music shifts back to focusing on whats to come next (current situation).

    Another thought would be automated monthly events and themes. Like once a month for 2 weeks you could have an event. With prizes and costumes/staff/wand transmogs. Even holiday themes like for Halloween you can earn a pumpkin head and transmit your hat into it. For Christmas you could earn a small or large candy cane transmog for your staff/wand. Things like that.

    The transmogs are cosmetic and wouldn't effect your spells.

    Unless you wanna make themed sets like in SD.
  • Your first idea seems somewhat similar to the music in Darkest Dungeon in a way that the music gets intense as you are in danger(lower torch level in Darkest Dungeon). I think it could be another good way to make music more engaging. 

    Transmogs are excellent way to keep player's interest for awhile. This can be especially effective with the co-op mode because people wants to show their skins to others instead of just admiring its beatuy alone.
  • There might be a focus on some of these points already, but here are my 5 cents on this topic:

    1. Diversity in combat:
    Okay, this might sound a bit too broad, but something games like the witcher 3 and horizon: zero dawn do pretty well (I’m probably going to refer to the witcher 3 again, but well, I think it’s amazing).
    1a: Anyway, what they do pretty well is that not many fights are the same, as well as the fact that there are a lot of tools which you can use to slay your foe. In the Witcher you have swords and bombs as well as magic to cast(including a magic shield), and most creatures have different attacks and patterns.
    (Thereby not saying this should be as diverse as the witcher, but well, a game like Skyrim doesn’t do this too well as you’re mostly using the same one weapon to take care of everything. The solomon games do the creature part pretty well)

    1b: So maybe something as fast attacks, charged attacks that deals more damage but leaves you vulnerable for some time, maybe even different ways of using the different spells/elements (think magicka)

    1c: Other things could be something like a portable shield that can be placed and walked around (should the area allow it) - might be a bit op if abused. Maybe special traps a wizard could channel his mana into to charge it with an element.

    2. An Immerseable world:
    From what I have read, SKUME is going to be like SK, just a lot bigger. And I think both SK and SB does this pretty well, SK especially, although I missed it a bit in Solomon Dark.
    Well, I am probably going to spend quite a while playing these games, so something that makes a game more enjoyable to me is that the world/scenario is somewhat enjoyable and immersive. (Again, witcher does this amazingly)
    A world that invites us to explore it! Different kinds of places with different stories, different music, different kinds of monsters maybe :3 (sorry for the messy explanation)
    It could be small things like if you’re in an abandoned dungeon, there are traces of when the dungeon was being used, maybe some old keys hanging, a skeleton in chains, scrapings on the walls, small notes.
    Make the world be alive! A little bit :3

    And yes, I know, it’s not supposed to be an AAA-game, but one could do well to draw some inspiration from the successful ones. (Those made to entertain you, not get your money)
  • @Agratah

    1. I strongly agree on the idea of diverse way of combat though most examples are either in the game or not the prime example in my opinion 1b is basically boulder and hailstone and the trap you mentioned 1c is similar to magic trap (which somewhat "deals elemental dmg") which exist in Solomon Dark. 

    2.Well the immerse-able world would be reserved mostly for Sons of Solomon(sequel of SK) but it would be lovely to have various lore-bits in the Keep to "keep" us entertained (praise the pun). I hope Mr. Raptis doesn't forget all the juicy information that he put in Solomon Dark(especially all the random stories from the librarian) and expand it in a intriguing way. 
  • @Peppermaster

    1. Oh well, I must admit that I have not played Solomon Dark too much.
    After some thinking, I am not sure of how much should be changed about the combat, since one of the (to me) joys of the solomon games is having one or two spells that you keep evolving into something beautiful. Maybe the spells could change more through buffing, yet they do this a bit more in Solomon Dark(through the two ‘ultimate’ paths). This is a way of diversity as well, and I would be sad if SKUME did not have this part.

    2. I see and I agree!
  • @Agratah

    1. Though the some elemental flourish and welded magic do give decent diversity, some are either not viable and not that of unique to make much difference. Here are some idea to fix that:
    Ethereal Boulder(ether+earth) -> Revolving Boulder: Instead of being a boulder version of magic missile, selecting ethereal boulder forms orbiting boulders(based on more missile) which slowly orbits around player and deals damage to enemy. Boulders lasts until switching to other primary spell. Pressing attack button will increase the orbit speed(based on attack speed) and expands the orbit while draining mana. The boulder cannot deal damage to same enemy until it revoles completely.

    Meteor Swarm(fire+earth) -> Lava Wave: Instead of raining a never-hitting sky garbage with stupidly high mana cost, it now charges a ball or lava while pressing attack button and release a wave of lava when released. Lava damage does not reduce for each enemy hit but reduced for how far it moves(can be modified by bind rock). All fire-related subskill activated upon killing enemy like flame lash.

    Grounded Bolt(lightning + earth) -> Storm Cannon: Instead of having a few randomly moving lightning bolts on the ground, storm cannon charges a pebble and shoot it with high speed and huge damage. It ricochet to nearby enemy(including the primary target) multiple times based on chaining. Ricocheting reduce the damage of the pebble based on bind rock. 

    Ember to Imp(fire elemental flourish) -> Fire Cluster: Instead of having a better version of immolate, it now splits fireball when it hits an enemy or an object. The fireball cluster can split again based on skill level and deals portion of full damage of fireball.

    Disintegrate(lightning elemental flourish) -> Forked Lightning: Fires additional full powered lightining instead of having an insignificantly low chance to execute an enemy.
  • @Peppermaster

    Okay, that sounds pretty awesome!
    I’m a bit concerned as to how the different subskills would work together though.

    Revolving boulder:
    Okay, I can see this working on the ether part, but what about earth? (Okay, the others could work, but will hasten rocks increase the speed of the boulders as well?)

    Lava wave:
    This I am not so sure about. For the flame lash (which was good because of it’s enormous damage) I did not like that the explosion and other subskills for fire were on kill and not on hit. So how about something like:
    Meteor Swarm -> Magma boulder/Comet shot:
    Same concept as boulder but with a lot more damage and the fire subskills integrated. And then instead of trampling like the usual earth, it explodes upon impact, sending some maybe a bit larger fragments around (with the number being based on the embers subskill)

    Storm Cannon:
    This could be fun :3 but I’m a bit worried about the stun subskill here, how it would be integrated.

    Fire cluster sounds incredible! And the same with forked lightning! Another go on forked lightning could be that it, from one lightning, forks to 2 enemies, to 4, to 8 and so on. (Maybe while reducing the damage a bit more than normally) - this would enable one to stun a whole lot more enemies.
  • @Agratah

    Lava Wave: well the wave width will obviously going to be huge so having explode would be redundant and makes no sense. Also, because this thing is expected to be huge, making them to drop ember on hit would be a bit too strong(it is like creating ember worth of 10 or more fireball). Also not to mention mass number of ember may cause severe lag. If on-hit proc should be there, Magma boulder would fit more for that design.

    I got too lazy to list other interaction but here is the missing interaction of revolving boulder and storm cannon:

    Revolving boulder
    Bind Rock: It reduces the damage fall off of boulder when it hit. Damage fall off resets upon finshing a revolution.
    Hasten Rock: Increase rotation speed and expansion speed when pressing button

    Storm Cannon
    Stun: slows enemy hit by the pebble for 2 sec.

    Having 2, 4, 8, etc for forked lightning would be necessary because Hurricane is super good at this moment. 

  • Lava wave: ah, in that way! I was not sure what you meant with the first description. I see what you mean then!

    Revolving builder: oh! So it would feel like an asteroid field (maybe with the ether boulders emerging from an ether portal (like the ether turrets, forgot their name.) That could be pretty cool! (with huge potential) As these boulders would be somewhat stationary, as it will probably be one of the slowest moving spells in the game (as I imagine it), would the ability to reflect arrows (the ones hitting the boulders) be present as well?
    Also, with increased speed, the range of the boulders (from you) should increase as well.

    Storm cannon:
     I see. It does still give me an underwhelming feeling. But maybe this could be negated with a somewhat high attack speed, allowing you to slow a lot of mobs. 

    Got any other interesting ideas? :D Maybe for Fire + Air
    One I've got is that of a faster, more sphere-shaped fire ball, not only exploding but doing so in a cone behind the mob hit, (based on air subskills as well) Still only causing one explosion, but with more damage, and maybe even more radius(like giving the explosion a direction), just directed in a cone instead of a circle. I'm not sure if this is too trivial, though. Prehaps the explosion knocks back enemies, to account for all the air subskills. (perhaps it could even melt arrows in-air to counteract the very poor defence against arrows that fire has) I have not thought of a name for it.
  • @Agratah

    Oh geez I just realized the typo on my description on lave wave. I wish I could fix that.

    Revolving Boulder: Reflecting arrows... a bit powerful when you get more missile. It is basically an arrow block with no mana cost. The range of boulder is not a problem for you can expand the orbit as large as you can barely see as long as you hold your attack key and have sufficient mana. Btw this ability is somewhat based on Io from dota 2 and Aurelion Sol from LoL.

    Storm Cannon: The point of storm cannon is to deal massive burst damage to few strong monsters. The base damage will be extremely strong and each projectile can hit the same target multiple time as long as there is another target nearby. Of course the charge rate should be faster than boulder. To storm cannon, slow is just a supplementary effect.

    Fire+Air... well ... bad news is that fire+air is flame lash cuz lightning is air according to Solomon Dark.

  • @Peppermaster

    My bad! I meant Fire + Cold!

    Revolving Boulder:
    Well, they are supposed to be powerful, are they not? They could be mostly earth boulders when not using mana and solid, thus reflecting arrows. Then, when expending mana, the boulders become more ether, size, damage, speed and radius growing, but not reflecting arrows
    (I was thinking about Aurelion Sol as well)

    Another idea for this:
    Asteroid belt:
    Some of the same aspects as revolving boulder, although there is none when not expending mana (to keep the no mana usage = no damage)
    Then, when expending mana, one creates a growing field of boulders revolving around you, size, damage, speed, scaling speed and limit and amount of boulders depending on earth and aether skills.
    Nearly the same as you have described, but not always present.

    Storm Cannon:
    Aha! So like a pretty good boss tool as well
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