Hamsterball 2!

I just want to say, I’m a HUGE fan for hamsterball! I’m dying to play this game! Is there anyway I can support the games release? Or maybe even beta test the game as well, I would do anything to be involved in this game or have more information about the game when more information is released.


  • Hello there! I see that you are a new member! Welcome to the forums :D. I am not Raptisoft himself, and Raptisoft probably won't respond in the next few days, as he is busy working on Chuzzle 2! Anyway, there isn't a official way to support this games development, Raptisoft doesn't have a Patreon or something sadly [at least not one that i know of] , however, you could buy his other games as a way to support this game and other Raptisoft games' development! And as for the Information bit, I would read all the disscusions in the Hamsterball section to catch up with all the info about Hamsterball 2 :D

    P.S: sorry if this comment is a bit weirdly written, It is late at night and I'm a bit tired, so I'm not the best writer atm :P
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