Samurai Discussion

edited December 2018 in Solomon's Games
It seems like some of us are pretty excited about Samurai class right now but i dont think it is a good idea to talk about SKUME stuff in Chuzzle post( @mylifeisfunny ). So let us be civil and discuss about this topic in a Solomon post. I got plenty of idea for samurai and would love to discuss with any of you guys. So please, share your idea here and hope if these idea help Mr. Raptis create Samurai in near future.

Additional info about Samurai:
1. it will not have any magic stuff
2. very fast
3. mix of rouge and paladin in some way


  • My "new" design for Samurai

    General Stat, resource(mana, faith, etc), and innate ablity

    1. Samurai uses Ki instead of mana. Max amount of Ki is 100 and the max ki can decreases when you lose health (lose 1 max ki per 1% of missing max health). Samurai regenerates 1 Ki per second.
    2. Samurai can equip both Katana(sword) and Yumi(bow) at the same time. Using the innate active ability "weapon switch", Samurai can switch between Yumi and Katana. This ability has 10 second cooldown time.
    3. Samurai melee attack is a quick wide arc slash, while ranged attack is a narrow charged shot. Arrow damage and range increases as Samurai charges more.
    4. Samurai has 3 set of main skill tree: Okami, Yasha, Raijin. These skill tree works similar to who mage skill tree generally works. Each of these skill trees' play-styles are based on one of three major stat in RPG(str, dex, int).
    5. Okami focused build will rely in hit-and-run style and are very good at dealing damage to single big target like boss.
    6. Yasha focused build rely in low health berserker style and excels at tanking damage and clearing minions.
    7. Raijin focused build rely in staying at high health and ki. This build is very unique from other build because it has little to no synergy with attack speed and  has more interaction with ki. Despite of its unusual and tricky nature of this build, it has lots of utility and high damage potential
    8. Like mind, body, arcane of mage, Samurai also has subskill trees like: Discipline and Wisdom.

  • edited December 2018

    Bloodlust: Your thrist for blood grows as you get injured. Gain bonus attack speed and movement speed based on missing health. 
    Fan of Arrows: Your ranged attack can shoot more than 1 arrow.
    Ittoryodan: Shunpo dashes further, deals damage to all enemies it passes through, and executes non-boss enemies with 25% or lower health when Samurai is using katana. 
    Akayasha: Unleash your inner demon at a brink of death. At 25% health, Shunpo costs no ki, bonus resistance, range attack has no charge time, and charges forward while slashing. 
    Ki Devour: Absorb the ki of fallen enemies to feed your inner demon. Killing enemies restore health and keep akayasha state for 10 additional seconds if your health gets more than 25%. (I wanted to use soul devour as a name but it feel like undeads might not have souls so... yea)

    Parry: Your slash now blocks projectile.
    Mark Target: Range attack slows and makes enemy vulnerable to your katana slash and allies' attack for 7 seconds.
    Denkosekka: After casting shunpo, Samurai's movement speed increases for several seconds and dodges attacks for 1 second.
    Tsubamegaeshi: Legendary technique that can even slash a flying swallow. Samurai's katana slash now slashes 2-3 times per attack.
    Zanshin: Casting shunpo right after slashing will make Samurai to dash backward and switch to yumi. Next range attack after activating zanshin deals bonus damage, recovers 10 ki, and has no charge time.

    Ki Infusion: Flow your excess ki into your weapon to empower your attack. While having 50 ki or higher, your basic attack deals bonus damage and costs 5 ki. Range attack only applies ki infusion if attack is fully charged, doubles the damage bonus, and costs 10 ki instead.
    Abdominal Breathing: Special breathing technique which is used to stimulate the flow of ki within your body. Increase ki regen by 1-4 and increase max ki by 10-50.
    Meikyoshisui: Ki Overdrive also slows down everything other than Samurai himself by 50-100% during its duration. If Samurai's ki is more than 75-50% when duration is over, Samurai does not lose all of his remaining ki.
    Raidenzan: Shunpo deals damage based on Ki infusion and slows enemies when Samurai is using katana. Shunpo cooldown resets if it hits enemy.
    Dragon's Wrath: Infuse Samurai's arrow with yang(postive) ki that it seeks Solomon's minions which has yin(negative) ki. Range attack which has ki infusion now seeks enemies and pierces enemies.

    Martial Discipline: Increase basic attack damage.
    Ki efficiency: reduce ki cost of active skill by 10-50% 
    Quick Draw: Range attack charge time decreases
    Kamaitachi: Your katana slash creates a blade of wind which increases the reach of your slash. Increase width and length of slash.

    Shunpo(active): Quickly dash forward at the cost of 20 ki. Has 10-1 seconds cooldown.
    Seshinitto(active): Block all incoming attack for 3 seconds. Has 25-10 seconds cooldown, costs 30 ki, and using basic attack cancels the effect. 
    Lion's Roar(active): Release burst of ki with a single loud roar. Knocks back nearby enemies and projectile and stuns them for 10 seconds. This costs 50 ki and has 30-10 seconds cooldown.
    Ki Overdrive(active): Set max ki to 100 regardless of health and gain 100 ki for 10 seconds. When the effect wears off, Samurai loses all remaining ki. Has 60 second cooldown.
  • Just a stray thought - (it sounds awesome btw)
    Samurai were pretty well educated (mostly on military strategy), and often served as Officers in the armies.
    So how about an attack that weakens the enemy in some way?
    Or a battle cry to inspire your allies (and yourself)?
    Maybe even a passive leadership aura.
    I know the team buffs are meant for the bard, but still.
  • Well there were actually some of those skills but I didn't have enough space so I didn't put it yet. I'll be making another subskill set called command and add those skills right now.
  • edited December 2018
    *all of these abilities only works on benefiting allies as this skill tree should only be avaliable in coop mode.
    Disband/Rally Order(aura): When rally order is active, allies' movement speed increases when allies move toward Samurai increases. When Disband Order is active, allies' movement speed increase when allies move away from Samurai. Samurai can switch order just like switching weapon.
    Banner of Okami(aura): Allies gain increased damage and resistance if they are close to Samurai. Require 10 points on Okami skill tree.
    Banner of Raijin(aura): Allies gain increased resource regen except Samurai and increased health regen. Require 10 points on Raijin skill tree
    Banner of Yasha(aura): Allies gain increased movement speed and attack speed based on Samurai's missing health. Require 10 points on Yasha skill tree.
    Whistling Arrow: Fully charged shot leaves a trail of wind which give movement speed boost to allies. Require Marked Target
    Shurajo(active): Increase attack speed and movement speed to all nearby allies but also decrease their resistance for 15 seconds. Require Akayasha and Akayasha must be activated in order to use this active. Has no ki cost and 40 second cooldown.
    Sunstorm: Lion's Roar also heals and give damage buff to nearby allies. Require abdominal breathing and ki infusion.
  • @Peppermaster
    I see!
    Although - how about making Rally/Disband based on wether Samurai has Yumi or Katana equipped?
    That way, when katana is equipped, it is easier for allies to follow Samurai into the enemies, and when yumi is equipped, it is easier to run in there as well, as the Samurai will probably stay back with his longbow.
  • @Agratah
    I also thought of that too but I felt there may be time when you want to disband while holding katana. Come to think of it, I think you are right because you would mostly want your teammates to be close when you have your katana out and having an additional button to press is an unnecessary complexity.
  • That okami you sayin must have infinite dashes like yasuo it maybe glasscannon but ican acceptit iwant to be like a monster that is look weak but also has cancer hit and escape capabilities. Idont care rest of the kit you can put wadever u want but samurai to me is a badass dude that lives for his sword and his drink
  • @mylifeisfunny
    Okami is more like kassadin in playstyle wise than yasuo. You can use 1sec shunpo multiple times but it is not really infinite due to limited amount of ki just like kassadin’s r. Yasha, on the other hand, has infinite dashes and high attack speed.
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