
I am 2good4u on Hoggy. I joined the Raptisoft forums because of the hacker. I'm making my own topic because when I tried to post on other people's topics, it said that my comments needed to be approved. 

I have a suggestion on how to deal with the hacker. Let's ban his existing hack accounts and then charge a $5 fee for new users to join. I If the hacker pays $5 and continues to steal levels, we ban him again. He's not going to keep paying the fee, and we'll be rid of him. The only drawback is that the fee could discourage honest users from joining Makermall. However, the people who aren't willing to pay five bucks probably wouldn't be good level makers anyway, so it's not a big loss.


  • Good idea. Raptisoft will turn into EA.
  • I don't have any money 2G4U don't do this to me lol
  • Koopaluigi, ONLY NEW MEMBERS have to pay.
  • That still doesn't make it a good idea. It'd be better imo to just make the entire game paid and then put out a demo that doesn't allow for playing or making custom levels. And considering how long it's been out for free... I doubt that'd go over well at this point.
  • Rainbowmon, from a marketing standpoint, I think it makes more sense to sell ad removal and Makermall separately. People are generally more willing to pay a small amount many times than a large amount once; that's just human nature.

    And what do you mean when you say that my plan wouldn't go over well? The only people who might be mad about the Makermall fee are Hoggy players without Makermall accounts. They would be disappointed to learn that they now have to pay to get into Makermall. But why should we care about them?
  • edited April 2020
    1. It's important to show caring towards everyone when one has the chance.

    2. Exactly. They'd be angry, because it'd be unfair. And anrgy players are never a good thing - remember, indie games like Hoggy get around by would of mouth. If people are raising a fuss about something they have legitimate reason to be angry about like this, what do you think will happen? I'll tell you: Other people will be discouraged from buying the game because they heard about what happened here (or in the case of the mobile version, they'll be hesitant to download it). Sure, a bigger, more well known company could probably get away with a move like this - but an indie dev like Raptisoft? I doubt it. But who knows, maybe I'm overthinking this a little. This is just my thoughts. In any case, I know you had good intentions upon suggesting it, even if I disagree about it being a good idea.

    3. It's already been confirmed that Rapti discovered the issue and will be patching it, so the one good reason to do that anyway has already been made null. http://www.raptisoft-forums.com/discussion/1182/a-very-major-issue-with-hoggy-2#latest
  • John is working on this as we speak. Give him a few days and if everything goes as planned it will be taken care of.
  • That's good. I was hoping that it wasn't necessary to implement measures such as mine, as it would be a big pain.
  • Hey, look at that! I can post comments now!
  • Welcome to the club!

  • Thanks :)
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