Game lockup at Stinky level
The last move I made in a Stinky level (world 8} was also a bomb, killing a few stinkies in the process. However, the game would not complete - the board was entirely unresponsive. I even have a screenshot of an empty square where the bomb was, and at least one string of matching Chuzzles on the board. There seemed to be be way too fix it, so I just surrendered the level.
Had that ever been reported before? Can screenshots be uploaded?
Had that ever been reported before? Can screenshots be uploaded?
I thought this glitch was fixed ages ago...! Guess I was wrong. It *HAS* been a while since I last played Chuzzle... If memory serves correctly, it's not exclusive to the Stinky challenges either.
Be right back; I'm going to try to find the thread where I mentioned this.
EDIT: Found the thread, but none of the images exist anymore. That being said, I'm pretty sure this has happened to me once before - but I don't think I screenshotted and posted it if so.
The Dork Lord