Very interesting...

edited February 2019 in Robot Wants Kitty


  • Indeed! Like the entire Level! Very Interesting! :)
  • Do you lose hearts when you stand there?
  • Standing on Lava (idk how Fnanfne did it without Bubbles) should damage Robot (at least I didn't see any way of not taking damage from it.)
  • Yeah perpetually standing on the corner of lava like we used to is not possible anymore. I’m thinking instead of the bubbles block, it might be the invisible blocks that did the trick.
  • Bubbles are still safer :)
  • Sometimes when rocket dashing on lava, it hurts the robot so it's still there I guess

  • KoopaLuigi, it's there. It's completely Usable. But it also has a flaw as if you die on the Lava block you are trying to Stay on, you will have way tougher doing said glitch on that block. But requires Hearts to be doable.
  • Yes, I often lose hearts with this glitch
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