Errors in many things

Sign in by Google to register is a page not found, first tried twitter got the following: Callback URL not approved for this client application. Approved callback URLs can be adjusted in your application settings

Also there is no download link for HamsterBall trial/demo it is blank...,, etc...

I am using Chr


  • edited February 2019
    The same is true in Firefox, and with HapHazard as well. Weirdly, Chuzzle 1 is showing up a link to the iOS demo, though I think it only works correctly on Apple devices.

    Also, let's not forget Hoggy 1 still has icons saying Windows and Mac versions are coming soon, even though they're presumably canceled at this point.

    It's probably just not Rapti's #1 priority right now.

    Edit: when you say register, are you talking about registering for the forums? I think I had the same problem myself when I registered late last year...
  • for forums, etc  when I tried to join via twitter, etc...
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