Pause menu

Alright, so I know this issue is REALLY nitpicky, and don't expect it to be changed any time soon, if at all...

But I noticed something recently that's kinda annoying. See, I like to play mobile games with my own music sometimes via a music player app in the background. And, suffice it to say, I have a LOT of music (trust me, you don't want to know how much, it's crazy). So sometimes, I don't immediately recognize something, and pause the game, then drag the notification bar down to see. Point being...

I did exactly this a moment ago whilst playing Chuzze, and accidentally tapped just below the notification bar instead of on it, and the game unpaused, even though where I tapped was nowhere near the resume button. I can understand why this is there - it allows for resuming much faster - but it IS somewhat annoying when it can cause one to resume by accident when that wasn't what they meant to do. It's Raptisoft's decision, especially since it's something so small and not everyone is going to have issues with it... But if Rapti would be willing to change this, I'd be very grateful!


  • Or maybe that thing could be added to Settings so each player would be able to choose whether a Click anywhere would cause game to unpause or not :)
  • That's a good idea, and I thought of it too.

    I just didn't mention it because I wasn't sure what to call it without it being too long for the options menu...
  • "Pause Freeze"
    "Resume Effect "=Everywhere /Resume Button Only
    XD That's the shortest word I could find xd
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