Why are Pansy, Rosebud, and Blossom destroying my happy Chuzzarium?

My chuzzles were all ecstatic. All of them. All the time. It was great. Then I got Pansy, Rosebud, and Blossom. They were the only ones who were just content. I figured, based on the puzzle, that they would get happier after Tutti arrived. Boy, was I wrong. They immediately started fighting all the others over food. So I got a few more Honger bowls thinking that would be it. But no, those three are almost always in a state of furiousness. At best, I have gotten content for a few fleeting moments. Now, it annoyed at best and otherwise furious. I change things as often as funds allow, but what the actual hell is going on with these three? Can I get rid of chuzzles? I don't want them. I wish I had seen a warning post so I hadn't completed their puzzle (much like I have done, or rather have not done, with Stinky.)


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