Eight At Once

Hiya everyone, I have 2 Tricky Trophies left to get.
"Too Many At Once", For popping more than 8 Chuzzles in a single colour group, and "Eight At Once" for popping 8 Chuzzles in a single colour group.

Has anybody got any ideas or tips on how I go about getting these, and which game mode is the easiest to so them in.

Thanks for any replies.


  • For starters, you might want to do it on something like Chuzzle Surprise, as the bigger board will be extremely helpful.
  • Hey Rainbowmon, what is Chuzzle Surprise?
    Also, any idea how many levels in new game?
    Thanks :-)
  • I'm not sure if there's actually a finite number of levels...

    Chuzzle Surprise is the challenge mode where the Chuzzles are in Toy Surprise Capsules, like the ones you'd sometimes find in machines in stores (well, I don't know if they are found very often anymore... I do know some of the same machines are also used to give kids a handful of candy like M&Ms for example for a quarter or two, but we're getting off topic). The board is a lot taller, and the objective is to clear all the capsules (which are matched like regular Chuzzles, but don't count as them). I say this challenge mode is the best because the 6x6 game board would make it nigh impossible to get 8 Chuzzles simultaneously. So the taller board of Chuzzle Surprise could make it easier (just make sure your match doesn't include capsules).
  • edited June 2019
    Been a while since I played the game, but from what I remember of it, I think Sun Chuzzle (the one where you uncover all the gold tiles) should be the easiest mode for this. On higher difficulties, it has a really large playing field, yet it doesn't tend to flood you with locks as quickly as Chuzzle Surprise, not to mention the absence of capsules.
  • edited July 2019
    Thank you guys for the clarification.
    I don’t seem able to get past level 7 - very frustrating. Any tips for handling ‘prohibitive’?
    Also, how many levels are there?
    I can’t seem to pop all the challenges on level 6 (for my trophy) either! I store up bonuses but run out of luck on ‘prohibitive’ games. :-)
  • Yay - made it nearly to the end of level 8 - at last!
    Happy to see an additional jigsaw has been added and the ‘Stinky’ Chuzzle game. Jigsaws are my favourite part. Still getting caught on prohibitive games :-(
  • Regularly getting to Level 11 now, but someone is on Level 27 - amazing! Have all the Tricksy and Challenge trophies except Chuzzle Duel Lil Devil. Anyone have tips for earning this one please?
  • That's the trophy for sending 5 locks to the opponent in 2 seconds, right? Get to where you can send the maximum 4 locks; fill the bar *almost* all the way, such that one more match will fill it completely; send the 4 locks, make a match, and immediately send the next lock (which should have just become available).
  • Thanks R - will try
  • Just scored my 1,000,000 Chuzzle trophy -
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