Manual Trigger question.

I don't know how to activate (and use) Manual Triggers. Can anyone explain this?


  • manual triggers are manual things.

    for exemple: When hoggy touch here -> trip trigger at "selected trigger"

    selected trigger: "manual --> open door at"


    Manual trigger just would say "you need to another trigger to play this trigger.
  • Oh, thanks :) I never used that as for me Flags and Counters are better than using one trigger to make other work.. Maybe I'll use it if I'll find the good setup :)
  • The try trigger at command is the same but all conditions have to be cleared
    The trip trigger at command just slides under all commands
  • Oh.. Thanks, KoopaLuigi :) The "Try Trigger" is going to be really helpful for the level as I am making a level with manual Triggers but until now I thought it's impossible to work with manual Trigger conditions.. I thought that "Try Trigger is only meant to be used to Try said trigger if it works..
  • But what does the "Evaluate trigger" command do?
  • I want to know what that one does too.
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