No monitoring of reported levels??

Is anyone monitoring reported levels? Bryannek is repeatedly posting levels with racial slurs in the titles and levels.
I know several of us have reported it but they're still there and he hasn't been banned.
He needs to be permanently banned and his levels removed.
There are kids that play RWK.
Can someone do something about this asap?


  • edited March 2020
    I’ve been reporting these levels ceaselessly. I’ve also sent the FB a few messages, to no avail. I’ve been told the Raptisoft Facebook is just a fan run (Rastapopoulon) page so we should not expect any action from there. Best is to send an email, I always get a reply.

    If you can be bothered, send an email to...
  • Thanks Fnanfne. I sent one right after I read this yesterday. Looks like the levels are removed. Kind of bad hope long they lasted. That sort of thing really needs to be dealt with same day at least.
  • I am going to be keeping tabs of problems with RWK. You can report them here or in game. If you do report abouse please give a description. It helps a great deal. 

  • Latest level by the same account reported by Fomb...

    Title: F£%@ the blacks
  • Thank you. It is being taken care of.
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