Trouble with Chuzzle2 Mama

Hi everyone! My husband and I played Chuzzles back when it was on over and now Chuzzle2 on our cell phones.
The big mama Chuzzles to start each level is crazy difficult for me. I’m only on level 11. my husband is on level 27, I passed his first try. About the last five times I’ve hit Chuzzles mama I had to use a heart to defeat the level.
Is there something I’m doing wrong? I really enjoy the game but have been stuck now on thus Chuzzle Over a week, almost every other level I can pass within 4-5 tries.
It may sound trivial, but any help would mean a lot to me.
Thank you!


  • Chuzzle mama is definitely the most challenging of all. That's why it's my favorite.
    My trick is saving all the bonuses throughout one level to use only for the upcoming Chuzzle mama.
    But still it is very difficult to pass, I once spent 4-5 Second Chances, and all my other bonuses.
    When it gets too hard & too long, & I can't help it anymore, well, heart is the only way. 
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