Handling zoom and pan on different devices

When making a level that depends on zoom out and panning to view elements outside the field of view, how do you go about knowing it will work on any device?


  • I think you can't accommodate for that unless you have said devices to test on. I have an old android tablet that I sometimes use to test levels on but usually some player will let me know, like if they can't beat an auto level as they keep dying for example. I now add multiple hearts to try and account for that. I also now make my autos from three different perspectives; normal, zoomed way in and zoomed way out. Even then, still get some players unable to finish some of my autos.
  • Thanks for your reply!

    I see. I have an iPhone XR, 7 Plus as well as iPad 2018 to test on. This is not an auto level though, even though I know you just exemplified from that. It’s more about being able to see what’s off screen for the sake of level progression.
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