Any more news on HB2?

It's been a while since we got a progress update on the game, so I have a few questions about the game:
Is there an estimate of when the game will be released?
Will there be beta testing for the game before it officially releases? If so, when?
What percent of the game has been completed?
How many races will be in the game?
Why hasn't John shared any screenshots or game footage to us yet?

The projected release date of the game keeps being pushed back, and many of us in the hamsterball community are starting to lose patience :(


  • I was chatting with John this week over IM and he is making significate progress lately on HB2. There is no estimate for any timeframe, but John would like it to be released in 2021.

    There will almost assuredly be beta testing. That is about all I can say at this point. 

    The wait will not be forever!
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