Was the "...I'm cramped!" dialogue on the Chuzzarium real?

edited February 2021 in Chuzzle
So, as far as i know, there will be messages on chuzzles. And their mood levels are:
Why do they even have messages? Is it because the messages are their reactions? God, i know Snackers or someone else can explain this, but somehow i can't even say if this dialogue is real: "...I'm cramped!"
Somehow Stinky says this. The video (it can be seen in 0:38):
Can someone explain this to me? How could this dialogue pop up?


  • I've never had this mood on any of my Chuzzles and I didn't even know this mood existed. I'll ask the others about it.
  • People are saying Chuzzles get that mood after being in the jail cell for a while? Not sure though.
  • Stinky only has this mood when he's been in the cage.
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