My thoughts on future of design of SKUME

It has been quite a while since the last time i was here and had thoughts on how SKUME would be if it is completed and released by today. It seems like if SKUME is done and released today in an ideal technical condition, it would be a very mediocre game that would never surpass any made-in-china, factory-made, diablo-esque, mobile game in this era (with some exaggeration). Main reason why I think that would be the case is because player's expectation grew a lot since the original iphone era. It is likely that visual aspects of the game would not satisfy regular players besides raptisoft fans and cannot be improved unless John somehow gets a graphic designer or becomes a lich and use infinite amount of time given by the lichdom to become a master of graphic arts. So the main hook of the SKUME that brings the ordinary players into the game MUST be the SYSTEM. So far the system does have a potential of being novel and unique to people with the system of picking skills from selected three or four options and elemental wield system. These features have some semblance of traditional rogue-likes and deck-building games like slay the spire. If we can utilize this aspect of the game and expand it give players vastly different and unique experience of the journey in each run, I think SKUME can surely become one of the well known classic of the year. I know John is busy with Hamsterball stuff and I can't even grasp whether SKUME will even start next year; however, I will try my best to give idea and advices so that he can save time thinking once Hamsterball 2 is done. I'll also try to give advice that are less difficult to code with best of my knowledge.


  • To make SKUME feel different from other arpgs, SKUME needs varieties of VIABLE and EFFICIENT builds that players can take and enjoy. Randomly generated levels and quests have its limits so it is important for players to always have variety to different builds to take based on the skill selections they got in early game. I will elaborate more on this part later.

    It is also important to note that just making enemies have higher hp and stronger attacks to increase difficulties should NOT be used too much. This is a game that is supposed to be able to complete within an hour. If you have bunch of bullet sponges that soaks up your attack for like 10 minutes or so, the game just becomes a chore rather than an entertainment. Rather than adjusting just hp and atk, putting gimmicks like player penalties and monster buffs that is not just health buff can help. Examples to look for are Slay the Spire ascension system, Starcraft 2 coop mutations, binding of isaac victory laps, etc. 

    Overall, the important aspect of this game should be more like 100 unique flavors of macron rather than four big sticky jawbreakers. Having a joy of selecting which build to play in a run and enjoying a quick and satisfying bite should be the key priority of SKUME in general. 
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