Necromancer Theorycraft

So here it is: the Necromancer Theorycraft
This theorycraft is very different from what has been previously shown in the blog:
1. It has the spell school system that I put in the mage theorycraft V2.0

2. The main spell school for necromancer is divided into Infernal, Spectral, Corporeal, Luminary, and Sanguine instead of necromancy, dark arts, and curse. Infernal is focused on demon summons, spectral is focused on orbs and infighting, corporeal is focused on undead summons, luminary is focused on applying and utilizing a special debuff called necrolux, and Sanguine is focused on agility and life steal at cost of health.

3. Necromancer has higher max mana and health with high out of combat mana regen but has negligible in combat mana regen since necromancer does not have to use mana using spells constantly like mages.

Since the character limit for a post is very limited, I will spare the details and let you read it on the document below.
Feel free to leave any questions, comments, etc. and enjoy.
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