+100% exp rings

Do they still exist in the game? I could swear I used to have them in my past playthroughs - but in the most recent one now, I must have killed hundreds bosses (even on archmage / demigod difficulty) and haven’t found a single one. Were they removed from game in some recent patch - or am I just having bad luck?


  • Yes they still exist! My current run...

  • Thank you. Thought so, I’m pretty sure I found several in my previous runs but in the current one, not a single one. Want to finally beat Gauntlet :)
  • Can I ask where you found the 100% exp ring? Difficulty and boss. I tried another run, still no luck, even on Demigod.

    What I did find however is ring +2 to all skills. Think it was from one of the later bosses on Archmage. Did not know these existed - only ever found +1 to all skills, never 2. Pretty sweet.
  • Sorry Haken, I can't quite recall hey, it's been a few weeks :) I know it was very early in my run, if I had to guess, Bonedaddy on Student. I also found the +2 to all Skills ring. Some other notable items were a +10 to Damage and +45% mana staff as well as a +1000% extra gold staff!
  • @Fnafne thanks - probably can give it a few more tries. Did the 100% exp rings help much? I think the experience / levels are probably quite exponential so getting more exp won’t give that many extra levels in the end. Want to grind a bit and then try Gauntlet difficulty. 1000% gold staff, got that one too :)
  • Hey Haken, sorry for the late reply to your initial question, but yes the 100% exp rings (and 50% exp staff as well) still exist. The best way to get them is actually from the town shop (the exp ring costs about 2000 gold), which is great because it means when starting a new character you can easily farm exp equips from restarting a second character over and over again until the exp equips appear in the shop, and then buy and transfer them to your main character through the cabinet.
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