No updates for iOS11 Rwk?

Hello, I'm Korean heavy Rwk user. So far, Rwk app is very well-maded so there are few typical issues even no updates for many years while iOS getting fresh version.

But latest version of iOS blocked older apps(32bits), so I can't play Rwk.(I'm using iOS11 Apple deta version)

So, is there no schedule for Rwk updates? Rwk is wonderful game I ever met. I'm playing Clash Royal for substitute, but I REALLY missing ROBOT WANTS KITTY.

Sorry for immature English, but I hope my desire for the return of Rwk reach to Raptisoft.


  • Hi ! Don't worry about RwK update for ios 11 :) It's on the road . First, we will make solomon's keep and solomon's boneyard ios 11, and after, Robot wants kitty for ios 11. It's for soon ;)

    However we can't give any date. Just "soon"

    Your english is perfect ;)

    have a nice day !
  • I have been checking the App Store for an iOS 11 update for Robot Wants Kitty
    Every. Single. Day.
    Sometimes a few times a day.
    I’ve been playing for quite a long time now and I miss it terribly! I am so sad! When is “soon” going to happen? I’m going into withdrawal :-(
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