What is the greatest primary spell in the game?
In Solomon Games, there are total 15 primary spell(including weld spell and earth) that you can choose from. Of the 15 spells you guys will love some of them while dislike some of them. I want you guys to make two rankings of primary spells: one for strength, one for fun.
These are the 15 spells of the game:
Magic Missile
Frost Jet
Ball Lightning(lightning+ether)
Burning Bolt(fire+ether)
Frost Missile(ice+ether)
Ethereal Boulder(ether+earth)
Steam Jet(fire+ice)
Flame Lash(fire+lightning)
Blizzard Beam(ice+lightning)
Crawling Shock(lightning+earth)
Meteor Swarm (fire+earth)(please disregard the mana problem )
Here are some references that might help you if you are not familiar with some new spells in Dark:
Guide for Solomon Dark: http://www.raptisoft-forums.com/discussion/272/solomon-dark-guide#latest