How to transfer game items (rings) perks from android tablet to android phone

Is there a way?? Thanks


  • ohh yeah it's easy to do
    you'll wanna go to the following directory on your phone (via the file manager app)

    first you have to know where you installed SK or SB

    for Solomon Keep:
    Internal Storage/Android/data/com.raptisoft.SK
    SD card/Android/data/com.raptisoft.SK

    for Solomon Boneyard
    Internal Storage/Android/data/com.raptisoft.SB
    SD card/Android/data/com.raptisoft.SB

    once you find the folder called com.raptisoft.SK or com.raptisoft.SB copy this folder to your pc via the USB port
    make sure you install SK or SB on your new device and start the game so it can generate the folders
    on your new device look for the folder com.raptisoft.SK or com.raptisoft.SB and over write is
    reload the game and you should have everything the way you had left it on your old phone.

    btw this is a good method for making backupsof your game should you ever lose/junk something you didn't mean to lose.
  • edited March 2018
    can someone with admin/moderator powers sticky this thread to the top of the Solomon Games sub-forums for players having this issue in the future?
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