Gauntlet permadeath in Solomon's Keep

Hello there,

First of all, the game is quite fun, although not very balanced in my opinion as there are some spells and items that are mandatory if one is to beat the game in all difficulties, but that's another topic.

Anyway, I'm writing this because I'm extremely frustrated right now. I managed to beat the demigod difficulty, which I thought was the last one, and felt quite accomplished as it was not easy at all. To my surprise I could now play the gauntlet difficulty, so I started the first floor with my all +% experience because I figured I would need to level up more to beat this new difficulty. All was good until I died and, again to my surprise, I lost the character permanently WITHOUT ANY SORT OF WARNING THIS DIFFICULTY HAD THIS FEATURE. Had I known that, maybe I wouldn't have risked the character altogether, or at least play with the resist damage gear on, which is the only option if you don't want to die in the blink of an eye at that point.

Having said all this and considering how unfair it is that I had no way of knowing I was forcefully playing in hardcore mode when playing gauntlet difficulty, I request some way of reviving the dead character. It took a lot of effort to get there so please I'd appreciate some help.

Finally, I think this this should be fixed with the proper warning in the next update to avoid frustrating other players.

Thank you,


  • So gauntlet mode is akin to the hardcore mode? Yikes, I feel for ya!
  • Well demigod was the last mode and the character that beat demigod got instantly deleted until gauntlet mode was added. It was intended feature but i agree that it should be more noticeable. I bet that feature was not mentioned due to a minor carelessness. At least SKUME will warn player of what gauntlet mode is.
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