What is up with Hamsterball 2?

i heard that a new game called Hamsterball 2 will come out soon, i am a GIANT fan of hamsterball! So is the development going good so far? i also want to know when it will release!


  • Holy moly, where did you hear "soon" lol?

    It's partially done.  It has an editor (like Hoggy 2 and Robot Wants Kitty) which is the big holdup... it's a little more complex to do that in 3D.  But my current schedule on new games is:

    1. Whatever the heck Popcap decides to do about Chuzzle 2
    2. Solomon's Keep
    3. Hamsterball 2

    Disclaimer: All schedules supplied by Raptisoft games should be considered an elaborate prank or joke since the circumstances of my life tend to re-adjust the universe when necessary to ensure that no schedule is kept.

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