Monday Screenshot 6/22: Inventory and Equipment

edited June 2015 in Solomon's Games
Okay, I can't/won't show you what goes on that bottom dark part of the screen (that's part of the stuff that got me in trouble last time) but here's how the Solomon's Keep inventory system is going to look.  Solomon Dark, because it was planned to have *sooo* many items, had an infinite inventory.  But Solomon's Keep has a more limited onc, since you can only expect to find somewhere between 2-5 items on a single run.  Also, it's important to have a limited/tetris inventory because of a game feature I plan to put in that I haven't announced yet.

Note that the Amazing Cabinet will have a sufficiently large storage space to accomodate 75% of all items in the game at one time.


  • i love that "tetris" inventory style, so many people cant pack things in there in an optimal way at first, so it forces them to learn and actually think on how they pack things, cant wait to actually try it out =D
  • Tears, that's why I went with it.  I think it adds a nice "game-within-a-game." 

  • edited June 2015
    Heh. The infinite inventory in SD got incredibly silly in the one setup i made with imps that split into multiple coppies of itself up to 99 times and each wave started with one extra imp. i think by the end of wave 5 i had several thousand items.

    Limited inventory is a nice addition for SKD
  • about the equipment you get, is it going to be just totally random? if you get lucky can you get the best possible drop on the first run? or will it be a ramping up effect, gear steadily gets better the deeper you go?
  • edited June 2015
    It's both!  Drops are random, but the very first thing you find could just as easily be the Ultimate Sword of Ultimate Smacking as the Ring Of +1 Frowny Face. 

    The items are (like in iOS Keep) grouped by difficulty.  There's good stuff on Normal difficulty, better stuff on Wizard difficulty, and so on and so forth.

    But there's a new attribute that can be on items called "Luck" which causes a random roll on whether you can find a much more potent item.  For instance, while doing a run on "Normal" you will get "Normal" magic items.  If you have luck, it'll do random rolls for whether you find an item that actually would be on the next difficulty up.  I.E. finding Wizard items on Normal difficulty, finding Demiurge items on Archmage difficulty, etc.  There will in fact be some items that are not native to any of the available difficulties and MUST be gotten via luck attribute while playing on the worst difficulty.

    Luck items are specifically set up to force hard choices-- Lucky items won't boost your character, and some will even do unpleasant stuff like cut your damage % (unbalancing Karma is not free!)  So you have the choice of going treasure hunting or being awesome.

    And btw, the cute stunt of switching to your lucky outfit at the last second before you beat the boss monster so that you can be both lucky AND awesome won't work-- I found a way to short circuit that.
  • Omega, was that one of the levels you uploaded to the Dark Cloud?  I remember at least one really clever imp level being uploaded there.
  • edited June 2015
    That was one i did but the clever one you remeber was probably the one where if the 1hp 0 damage imp died you died too which i did not make. i did do a skeleton 'bowling' one though.
  • Tetris inventory does sound interesting, but I'm afraid the casual players will not like that kind of complication :-?
  • Casual players probably won't worry about it if theyre casual players. Idk. I like it, I definitely like that your worn equipment doesnt take up room, if it did then the inventory would be too small I think
  • If there's tetris inventory, please tell me you will actually be able to flip items. Ive always hated that games dont let you
  • edited June 2015
    I really hope the amazing cabinet is nerfed in SKD. I shouldnt be able to get a level 3 paying over 2k to learn skills from the wisdom guy without having any other character enter the keep.
  • im glad you stopped the gearswap thing, its a dirty little habbit that only serves as a crutch to a player, and is basically cheating >.>
  • But cheating is fun!
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