RWK Transfer to new Ipad?

Hy guys - do you know if there is any way to transfer my levels from one ipad to a new one?  My screen is cracked but the ipad still works.  and i wanted to transfer my original games to the new ipad.

Has anyone done this before successfully?


  • I don't know if the game supports transferring levels between different devices using the same account. If it doesn't, you should probably be able to manually transfer the .kitty files if you jailbreak both devices. Would be easier on Android.
  • This is a very good question and one I've been meaning to ask myself lately, well since making levels I suppose!

    I recall the app always being around 6MB in size but looking at it now, I can see the app on my device is over 300MB in size. 

    The battery on my device is dying and I'm slowly anticipating the end. I was hoping I could just restore the backup to my new device but I'm not sure if this'll work.

    I'm a beta iOS user so jailbreak is a not an option for me.

    Maybe you could try this paisleypickles... Make a full backup of your old ipad in iTunes, then do a full restore to your new iPad, then have a look and see if you have any levels on the new iPad?
  • sinple: 1- go on settings pf your old ipad and go to icloud --> icloud save and make a save.

    on your new ipad, just select when you open it for the first time (restore with previous icloud data.

    Ans that's it
  • Sweet! I'll give this a go when I upgrade in a few months, thanks Rasta! btw, when you releasing another RwK level? ;)
  • Thanks guys. Rasta are you sure this works? I was told that iCloud wouldn’t save game data?

    I will try and if it doesn’t work I’ll try iexplorer it one of those tools maybe.
  • I think it's impossible as all Levels are made on one phone and I didn't see any way to make a Backup or anything of these levels I created.. Fnanfne will know a lot more about it :bz And I'd love if it was possible because there's always a risk of losing the entire Level.. Or all of them at once.. :(
  • I probably found a Solution (although I don't know if that works on IPad (didn't try it yet on Android and I don't want to go for it) but if you have a Memory Card in it, you may try to search for the Level Data Files in your File Manager (I found all Levels I built or Tossed away) in it although I don't want to risk losing the entire Level because of going around backups)
  • Sorry to be late to the party...

    I haven't figured out how clouding works on either iOS or Android yet.  It might be one of those situations where it's so simple, it's complex.  The game, on all platforms, IS storing the data in a place that the documents say is clouded, but I don't think anyone is seeing any actual clouding, are they?

    I'm actually working on my own solution to this problem, but it most likely will NOT be ready before Solomon's Keep is done.  If you know anyone who has experience with clouding on these systems, I'd MUCH prefer to do it that way-- but I would need someone with deep deep, code level technical knowledge, since I have the code in there-- it just doesn't seem to cloud on iOS, and immediately crashes Android on startup.
  • @all people:

    I change my iphone EVERY year. And, of course, my data are precious ! Game data are saved into Icloud save. I don't have lost any levels from Hoggy 2 and RwK when I upgrade. So feel free to change your device, but CREATE a Icloud save data and make sure Hoggy, RwK and H2 is "turned on"
  • Confirmed. I just changed my iPhone. All level are still there.
  • Hey guys. Thank you very much for the input. I changes and transferred songs over iCloud and it worked.all levels are there. Thanks again.
  • I don't know how it works on IOS, but on Android all levels are stored in storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.raptisoft.RWK/files/sandbox/EXTRALEVELS64.
  • I had a similar issue come up in October. My phone died suddenly, and when I played the game on other devices under my username none of the levels I had made appeared.

    I thought that the reason I couldn’t see my levels was because I hadn’t uploaded them and so everything was only saved locally, but from the conversation I see that that wouldn’t have made much difference.

    Luckily I got my phone fixed at the end of November and everything was still there, but I was worried I would have to start all over again.
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