Hamsterball sheet music

Hello,i'm a clarinet player and I really like the songs included in this game,I think they're really cool and I wanted to play them but researching online there is not any sheet music. I am searching for sheet music so im asking if someone here has the sheets to the music of hamsterball,if you do please include them on a folder on gdrive and send a link to the downloadable folder in the comments,thanks!


  • I am sorry to say I would be very surprised if any sheet music to this exisits. 
  • You should ask Skaven252 on facebook, he's super nice and I'll bet he will bring you something.

  • If you look at the actual in-game music (the mo3 file) using a program like openMPT, and open that up, it actually shows what notes are being played at what times.  I bet you could easily turn that into sheet music.
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