Skill/item idea: Berserk

So, I think it'll be cool to have a kind of skill, toggle or option under certain conditions to become "berserk". The idea is that in this state, your damage is doubled, or tripled, but at the cost of the controls being all reversed e.g. you want to move right and attack the front, but your character moves left and attacks the back.

I got this idea from the manga Shield hero. The protagonist wields the power of the shield which provides no boost whatsoever to his attack stats (though he gradually unlocks skills to summon beast shield or spike shield). In despair, he unknowingly unlocks the Curse series which contains skills based on the Seven deadly sins, his being Wrath thereby giving him incredible close-range offense while rendering him unable to tell friends apart from foes.

So just posting this out here. Feel free to contribute :)


  • On a slightly related note, an animal taming/summoning skill would be neat, but you probably already thought of that
  • In Solomon Dark there was a Glass Cannon perk you could buy, which made you take double damage and deal double damage... I was planning to get that into Keep, because it's pretty fun.

    I tried an experiment with the original Solomon's for April Fool's day with all controls reversed... it was so horrible I rejected it even though it was funny. :)

    Vvllaad, if things good well, the first expansion to Solomon's will have a Druid class.
  • YEA druids, the one true cleric
  • That was a perk in boneyard too, I never made use of it in any of my good builds because the magic inventory and starting with all subskills and +2 on all starter skills. Cant beat it :D
  • id like some form of a toggled/triggered berzerk... but the controlls reversing just dosent make sense to me.. i dont think of berzerk as being confused at all (for reversed controlls) i think of it more as you have so much adrenalin and rage coursing through your system, that you dont care if its friend or foe you lash out at, you just need to hit something, regardless of harm caused to yourself or ally.. 

    that would be nice to add to MP now that i think about it, make your attacks do double damage, but you will then be able to friendly fire, so you have to be carefull or you will kill your team, to make it a bit more difficult, could randomize the aiming slightly too, so you dont aim perfectly, but like 10-30 degrees off.. cuz you know how often those enraged haymakers actually land in a fight lol..
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