Class Idea: Healer

So I have a couple ideas for classes and may as well share some of them now. First up, the Healer. The primary attack would be a slow firing, although powerful, shockwave of magic that would drain the health of enemies it hit. Upgrades could be something that increases shockwave range, draining effectiveness and perhaps adding something like knockback, stun, or some other effect. The class would be mostly about maneuvering into a crowd of enemies, hitting them then retreating. The healing effect could potentially heal others such as in multiplayer if added or summoned minions. This class could be used as a hit-and-run tactic, defensive tank that heals any damage taken, or a supportive role for other players and minions. Any thoughts or ideas on this?


  • hmm... i wouldnt exactly call that a healer, more of a necromancer, draining the life from his victims to sustain himself and his creations. i do however like the idea of a support role in multiplayer, maybe something that can be rolled into the druid/pally? either just as a secondary ability, or a primary function that has a passive healing effect? 

    an example of a secondary would be like natures vigor (druid) or divine light (pally) that restores hp/mp to you and nearby members, either as an instant burst, or over like 5 seconds or something (kinda like magic circle, but they dont need to remain in the area, its a buff applied to them so they can split up afterwards)

    for a primary, whatever thier main spell would be (not a melee attack though) if it first encounters an enemy it deals damage, if it first encounters a player, it does a mild healing, the healing effect i would say should be a low amount, but be able to "pierce" ally's, so it can heal multiple allies with 1 shot, but never deal damage and heal in the same cast
  • Future classes are fully dependent on how well the game does, but at this time I have in my notebook some notes about a cleric class that is ONLY available in multiplayer, and basically is only a support class, being able neither to use weapons effectively, nor able to cast effective harmful magic.
  • hmm.... carefull with how you balance that then.. will be easy to make it so that you basically force one person to be a cleric if its too hard, or if its too easy, a cleric will be useless and people will just grab another dps instead.. unless you have some way to code the difficulty of the enemies, make them have slightly less hp but deal more damage if and only if a cleric is chosen?
  • I feel like a cleric would definitely have some spells that would bring about the holy wrath on undead and evil-doers alike :p
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