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- Rainbowmon
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I see. Thanks, Snackers!
You're welcome! Glad I could help! (It's Rainbowmon with an "o". Like Pokemon.)
"To the best of my knowledge there is NO longer any legal distribution of Dynomite." Actually, that's untrue. Pretty much all of Pop-Cap's games from Bejeweled to AstroPop are available officially on Steam (with the exception of the Bookworm series…
Also, the (real) King Charles that just inherited the throne is actually King Charles III - in other words, he's the third of his name, meaning that there were two other English kings named Charles before him. Kinda like how in a certain Disney Jun…
That's great - the original Hamsterball's soundtrack was great, so I can't wait to hear Hamsterball 2's! (The game is coming to Steam, right? Hopefully they release the soundtrack on there as well - I'd buy it alongside the main game in a heartbeat!)
Wait, that wiki page for Hamsterball 2 says near the bottom the composer from the original game is coming back - does anyone know when and where that was confirmed? Last I heard about that, Rapti wasn't sure if they'd come back or not, so I must've …
I sincerely doubt it. If it is possible, it's most likely due to an overflow glitch, but unless someone designs a bot to play through Zen Mode 24/7 until it reaches whatever the maximum score is, we'll never know for sure.
Raptisoft is indeed still in business, but keep in mind that it's an indie developer. The last time we got an update was in May from TheDorkLord, who's friends with John IRL, and is typically on the forums more often. We probably won't get a date un…
You certainly have a point - when I was a kid, the furthest I was able to get was give or take around the Odd Race. It's not an easy game, and while nowadays I can beat it without too much issue - at least on easy and normal; I haven't tried hard di…
Last I heard, Raptisoft is currently working on Hamsterball 2, and then he intends to continue working on Solomon's Keep Ultimate Metal Edition (also known as SKUME). I don't know much about the Solomon's games though - someone else is more likely t…
Agreed. I first played Hamsterball as a kid all the way back when Real Arcade was a thing; waiting a few more years for the sequel is a drop in the bucket at this point.
Alternatively: Maybe make some compatibility updates if necessary for modern computers, and then release a combo pack on Steam?
Last I heard, it was that Hamsterball 1 would be made free when HB2 comes out, not that HB1's code would be made available to people... Did I miss something at some point?
That'd take forever to do, but if there's some kind of Easter Egg for doing it, that'd be pretty neat.
Good to hear!
Oh, I use Anti-micro too occasionally; believe me, I'm aware of it, but Hamsterball in particular is a game that would thrive with full 360° analog stick support. Keyboard won't provide that, common computer mice is better but not still far from ide…
"Playable over the web" So like Hoggy 2 is now at hoggy.com? Okay, that's cool. Does that rule out the possibility for a Steam version of the game though? Also, can't remember if this has been answered before or not - will there be controller supp…
Same here, but that's not usually something it does if you have link sharing active for a file...
I'm guessing that Google Drive link is to the image that failed to link properly in the first post, but it won't let me view it. Are you sure you have link sharing turned on for that file?
Right; remember, the original Chuzzle was published by Pop-Cap, so it's on Steam alongside the rest of their pre-EA buyout library. It wasn't put up by Raptisoft. Sometimes older games (or games made on older engines) have issues like these on some…
Yep. Latest version. Huh. Must've been a leprechaun near me at the time...
Ah. Didn't even notice that... Good point, RodentRacer.
*gasp* WAIT. WHAT?!?!?!?! I thought this glitch was fixed ages ago...! Guess I was wrong. It *HAS* been a while since I last played Chuzzle... If memory serves correctly, it's not exclusive to the Stinky challenges either. Be right back; I'm going…
I think what Fe_ was saying was that she tried it with Chuzzle Snap first, believing that if it worked with Snap, it'd work with Chuzzle 2 as well, while also not risking her Chuzzle 2 file if it didn't work.
But that begs the question of Sky Race. In both of the videos in this thread, the Ball-Hamster falls off at a higher point and respawns way lower. Wouldn't that defeat RodentRacer's idea? It's either that, or Sky Race has some weird exclusive proper…
Seeing all this craziness just makes me wonder exactly how this game decides where to respawn you at any given point of time.
Probably not, though if so, that'd be pretty nice - the best computer I have is a pathetically weak laptop...
John has said in the past that he'll "free-ify" the original Hamsterball when 2 comes out. I'll try and find the thread... EDIT: Found it! http://www.raptisoft-forums.com/discussion/comment/5889/#Comment_5889
Huh. That's weird... Especially given how long it took - last I checked, Google Play's refund policy is 15 minutes, not several days... Maybe @TheDorkLord can assist you?
I could be wrong, but I seem to recall him saying ages ago it was dependent on how much demand there was for it. I do agree it would be nice, though.