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  • Yes, did that long time ago but got stuck further in the level. How can get to the haxor app?
  • I am such a donut! I was even looking for secret messages written in brick patterns :))
  • Haha, I'm talking about how the only way of doing things gets me trapped. It's like this: rocketing up to get the crystal, activating teleporter to the top right, getting red card, opening red gate, getting helmet, smashing bricks to get crystal and…
  • It's quite exciting, but I couldn't figure out any way not to get trapped in the empty field on the left of the teleported. Any pointers?
  • I wouldn't have guessed easily because that particular boss blocks disguised, you only see it differently on the map. Cheers for the hint, I admire your work very much!
  • There is one particular situation, sometimes when you kill a boss it's corresponding square doesn't open. Most of the time it happens when it's shot so fast that it does't have time to move or react (the red one doesn't even pop a baby), it just sta…
  • My comment was approved a thousand years late so it's totally out of context :))@fnanfne Thank you so much! x I still have a lot to improve though.
  • Where did you get to? It's sneaky, but if you stick with it it's going to unravel itself nicely. After I started over about ten times, I finally managed to get the heart but got frustrated in trying to get past the snakes. I guess there must be some…