Monday Screenshot 9/21/2015: Not Solomon

With Halloween coming up and the need to get some Halloween content into Cubic Castles, I didn't get any work done on Solomon's this week.  Tune in next week, it should be a very interesting screenshot with some new content.


  • How's the player base of Cubic Castles?
  • Hey have you thought about making Solomon reference in Cubic Castles? Halloween, Solomon, perfect!
  • not entirely sure that would work out too good lol.. solomon is just a little too... dark.. for the sickeningly cute cubic castles. 
  • Yeah, Solomon's too dark for CC.  Also, it's a completely separate company that I don't have ownership of, thus I don't want to give away my IP to it.

    Player base goes up and down... if you want a lot of people on, the weekend is the time to play.  There's a big revamp project going on right now to make it friendlier to new players.  I still can't recommend it to fans of my games-- it's too different, and also I'm more a lone wolf, so I'm not entirely happy with the direction of the game.

    DarkWorld... one day. :)
  • DarkWorld? That like an open-world set in Solomon universe or something? A future project? :D
  • I've learned enough working on an MMO for it to be a possibility now... prior to this it wouldn't have been possible.  Also made putting multiplayer into Solomon a *lot* easier.
  • *DarkWorld hype intensifies*
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