Solomon's Intro Quote

edited October 2015 in Solomon's Games
In the original game, Solomon used to always start off with "another visitor. stay a while, stay forever" and, through a nostalgia trip, found that the same quote is in the game Impossible Mission. I was just wondering, was it a reference or coincidence? :P


  • It's a tribute!  I was a big fan of that game back in the day.  In new versions it's getting tossed for something original, though.
  • Let me add, those of you who have not played it, do so. Play the commodore 64 version of it. Such a freakin' great game. Way back when if you got a game by some.......unscrupulous methods, NOT SAYING I DID!!!!!, back then there was no internet you could look up how to play the game, you just had to experiment and try different things. Figuring out how to play the game was half the fun. John still does not believe I beat the game without instructions.
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