Monday Screenshot 4/20: Adding Clutter

On clutter: One of the problems I find with modern games is that often they do *so much work* on graphics (and often at the expense of gameplay) that it's difficult to see where you can and can't walk, what you can and can't do. At the same time, if you have no clutter at all, your dungeons look empty and boring, which was the big complaint I got in the original iPhone Solomon's Keep (it wasn't artistry, but device limitations that forced that on me).
So what I'm trying to do with New Keep is find a nice point where clutter is realistic, but not distracting, and breaks up the content of the dungeon sufficiently to make it interesting to look at and help you keep your place. I consider the game Diablo 1 to basically have mastered this concept, and I'm trying to capture that feel.
Smartphones are getting fast now, though...
" Typing this message on my laptop, froze for about 2 minutes halfway in. "
Dear Lord!!!
For instance, you might run into a door protected by a force field, and approaching it, it'll say "It's some kind of ether force field. It looks like a level 5 Magic Missile bolt would short it out." Or "it appears to be a pile of rubble blocking something. A warrior with Level 8 weapon's skill might be able to lever it out."