Monday Screenshot 5/25: Dealing with High Resolution

The original Solomon's Keep was designed for iPhone... a very small screen! This worked well for the game design, because I wanted small rooms, compact levels, "tiny adventure."
I still want all that! A problem arises, however, due to the amount of screen real-estate that is visible when you're standing around.
So here I have the player character standing in the center of the screen (just behind the wall, you can see the top of his head).
On the left side of this image, you can see the "undesirable" result-- the player has never visited the room on the bottom, but because that room has lights in it, he's able to see what's there. That's not fair! So in addition to doing spell work this week, I had to invest some time in hiding things that couldn't possibly be visible. It's a fairly complex endeavor, because it's not so cut and dry-- I couldn't use pure raycasting because I do want, say, a room next door to you to be completely visible-- I just don't want a room that you've never been in, that's far away, to reveal itself.
It was a little more work than I expected, but ultimately it worked out. Kinda a boring screenshot and update, but I chose this over showing more spell effects because this relates to the core gameplay more, and it's a sort of technical problem that never arose in the original iPhone game.