What is the correct way to pronounce Sirmin
I was writing a post in korean about the new bosses in Solomon Dark and I faced a big problem:
What is the most accurate way to pronounce Sirmin?
Like potato and tomato, Sirmin has some possible different ways of pronunciation:
1. Sir-min
2. See-ir-min
3. Si-rmin
4. Sir-men
5. See-ir-men
6. Sirm-in
Mr. Raptis, if you are reading this, can you tell us all what is the proper way to pronounce this jerk's name. Though each of these pronounciation may look same, it does make one or two letter difference in translation.
fun fact: if Sir-min pronunciation is correct. Sirmin's name sounds exactly same as a Korean word for common-folk.
P.S. One more question, what is your definition of heartmonger? Also having trouble with translating his name.
Heartmonger - in English, a monger can be loosely translately at someone who gathers up and hoards things. Or someone who is greedy to have something. You could translate it as if he had a pile of hearts somewhere and was looking to add to the collection, or you could translate it as if he was desperately (but greedily) seeking out hearts.
Another translation context for monger could be "seller" or "trader" but that's not very dark. For instance, a fishmonger gathers up a ton of fish (sort of like a speculator) then sells them at market.
He actually has a little bit of a backstory that would have been in the story game, where he was a large simpleton who got framed for a crime and got left in a cage to die and blah blah bunch of stuff why Solomon eventually named him Heartmonger after reanimating him. It was supposed to be a sort of silly riff on Of Mice and Men.