Monday Screenshot 6/29: More UI

Been fine-tuning some of the core gameplay here this week... here's a shot of the skills UI. Skills are listed in the opposite order that you get them, so that your newest gained skills are always at the top of the list for easy access (previous Solomon games tacked them onto the end, which meant scrolling in order to get at your newest stuff).
I might be releasing a tech demo somewhere in the next 2-3 weeks. It will have most of the actual gameplay turned off, but I want to get a general feel for how the game runs on a wide range of systems.
But there will be no "game", unless you love love love walking through depopulated endless halls, towns, and fields. :D
enemies everywhere, you know, when you actually play it?
The demo will take care of that. Everything is just a factor of how many polygons are on screen at a time.