Upcoming RwK (and Hoggy 2 also) features
Level creators, the upcoming updates to RwK and Hoggy 2 allow you to create your own music, with the power of BeepBox!
To compose music, go here:
(You'll need either a very good mobile device or tablet for that composer-- it works great on any desktop, laptop, or tablet PC though).
So for those of you with some musical ability, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Just remember that some people play Robot Wants Kitty on slower mobile devices, and if you make EXTREMELY complex songs, you may cause them to have some framerate issues.
So, RwK update soon! Yeah, I slightly fell into Monk Mode adding this music composer/synthesizer to the game (it was a bit of work, but fun), and I'll try to be more responsive now. Though I do take the philosophy that the best communication I can have with you guys is to actually provide stuff to play!
To compose music, go here:
(You'll need either a very good mobile device or tablet for that composer-- it works great on any desktop, laptop, or tablet PC though).
So for those of you with some musical ability, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Just remember that some people play Robot Wants Kitty on slower mobile devices, and if you make EXTREMELY complex songs, you may cause them to have some framerate issues.
So, RwK update soon! Yeah, I slightly fell into Monk Mode adding this music composer/synthesizer to the game (it was a bit of work, but fun), and I'll try to be more responsive now. Though I do take the philosophy that the best communication I can have with you guys is to actually provide stuff to play!
Meanwhile, the update will go out very soon (no dates or times, but very soon).
For those pondering what's new, here's the updated tutorial with new stuff in the layout blocks section:
Special nods in this update for more RPG-like stuff.
I never had zoom delete. I am CURRENTLY planning that any new cool ideas will go into the future pseudo-sequel, but if I have to do a bugfix update or something I could throw in more removal stuff, since that's easy enuff.
The only problem i have is that it don'n provide music scales and you cant tell which note that you are using.
What’s up with that?
How could any auto-level have worked with monsters and the previous version? The randomness of it would have made every auto-level featuring monsters a crapshoot.
Part of my repertoire was using the bitcoin blocks to fine tune movement. Even after you collect the bitcoins, not all doors open simultaneously. Them opening depends on the robots position relative to the bitcoin block. So I’ve managed to fine tune their movement with great granularity! (especially the pink guys) In my new one it’s quite insane really. The pink guys have at least three different phases (random roll) they can go through so it’s very tricky with them but they made for the best surfing. FORTUNATELY, I recorded this one as well before I did the RwK update, actually anticipating that it will break!! But this one is only about 50% done, not painted at all so I won’t share it, alas. I would like to see if I get the same cool results with this being more, well predictable but I have a feeling it won’t be.
So will this be the last time you make this drastic change? Can I now redo and finish this last one I’m working on knowing the maths won’t change again?? I probably won’t redo the others, waaaaayy too much effort :(