lore questions about places
Solomon Dark map: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8ipnjnes62lxndl/Solomon Map.png?dl=0

So I have been fiddling with Solomon Dark and found out that there are lots of towns and other places that I've never seen in Boneyard or Keep. @Raptisoft Can you tell me some information about these places and towns and what did you planned for them on Solomon Dark before all of these lawsuit problems.
1. Grimwood
2. Grindee
3. Badwater
4. Dirgemouth
5. Glowerworthy
6.The incident
7. Molder Town
8. Florid
9. Wallow
10. The four towns in Boneyard(Heck Hollow, Bandywick, Dead Hawg, Pummel)
P.S. Also, where do the paladins live?
Paladins are from all over, but the Cathedral of the Brotherhood of the Blinding Light is in Glowerworthy (it's essentially the "Rome" of this world... every other town is very small by modern standards-- the world is fairly depopulated and dark-agey).
The Incident is just a leftover from one of the mage wars, given a euphemistic name for public-relations reasons. There's some very strange fish in there. The entire world itself might be an artifact-- nobody really knows too much for sure (imagine Earth, if our historical records went less than a thousand years back), because the world has a self-limiting phenomenon: Any time things get civilized to the point that mage users can begin sharing notes and improving their spells and have the free time to contemplate more than just where the next meal is coming from, you end up with "creative" types like Solomon Dark.
The world also constantly is getting smaller (for men), because most mages do not consider an insult to be effective if the area can ever be inhabited again.
But all that said, don't take the world too seriously. Every single thing in it is designed to contain a cynical joke of some kind!
And i find it funny because I'm working towards getting decent with programming and I'm really enjoying it, but never have any good ideas about storylines or the graphics. :D
(It's my belief that games should make the player happy, not hopeless... but as a story idea, that's a spectacular one-- perhaps it could be a game if the player's purpose was the break everyone free)
But I think the idea is very good, very dark, and very deep. I think it could be a VERY good fantasy story, even a novel if you maybe making your main character be a sort of quick-witted young mage who is trying to figure out how he could get in and get back out without succumbing.
It forces a hard choice where you have to decide whether you want to keep playing to complete the uber-quest, or make your next run more powerful.