How is the new Boneyard? (I couldn't get into the beta)
Hi so I was just recently shocked when I found SK on the android play store so of course I downloaded it and had a jolly good time and then saw that something is going to happen on the 31st (probably boneyard). I was just wondering for the people that got into the beta is there any sort of additions to the game such as balancing,new enemies, etc. I remember many many many moons ago when I used to play SB on my IPhone 3Gs and while it was a incredibly fun the game started to chug when the bosses showed up and spawned a million imps. Is this going to be fixed in SB on the android? Also I know everyone keeps asking if they can get a beta invite but is there any sort of newsletter I can sign up for? I really like the Solomon games and I even remember checking up on this website during SD's dev cycle 5 or so years ago.
Finally glad to hear that Raptisoft is back in the swing of things but I have to say you ported SK to android yet you haven't updated the main page at ;)
I have not played far enough to unlock this yet but it would interesting to see the perk in action.
My characters (in any of the Solomon games) always died before I could do much with welded spells. It was due to either I didn’t level up both spells enough to make it strong to work well or my characters died before I could even weld anything:(
Click the witch->go to fate section->buy boss monster fate->play
Please Don't do such a thing!
*Horrible Zelda flashbacks start*
I'm fine with sparkles but... Please no... Don't let my childhood nightmares be added back into SB.