So, about that new-old perk system
Fans are never happy, that's just how things are, right? :D
I was really looking forward to the update until... 1000 gold per "more perks" potion, and we need to buy them on each game??!
The grudge against having to pay for perks was that it makes the game stressful because you really don't want to lose the money you invested in perks on that run. But if now I need to pay 2000gold on every game just to have all my perk slots, it makes it much worse than before! At least with the "same perks as last time" thing, I could generally fill up all my perks for less than 1000 gold. Now that option disappeared (since reusing perks is free,which is good), and we have to pay those fixed 2000 gold instead...
I'm sorry to be complaining still, I know you just want to get started with the other things you're working on. And I don't know what the community thinks, it might be just me being grumpy ;)
But hey, the solution with the fates sounds kind of good :-)